The Local Governing Body
A local governing body within Reach South Academy Trust consists of the following:
- 4 Trust appointed members
- 2 Elected parent members
- 2 Elected staff members
- Headteacher
Additionally, there can be up to 3 Co-opted members.
Lyn Dance OBE
Safeguarding, Looked After Children and Attendance Governor
Appointed by: Trust Board
Term Dates: 01.08.22- 01.08.24 Improvement Board
01.09.24 - Local Governing Board
Attendance 2023-24: 5/5
Attendance 2024-25: 1/3
Registered Interests: Trustee of Charnwell Centre (Apr 19), Chair of Gloucester Alternative Provision AP, Governor of Gloucester College (Sept 22) and Member of Beckmead Trust (July 22)
Lyn Dance has worked in special education for over 40 years as a teacher, deputy head, headteacher and CEO of a multi-academy trust. She is also a School Improvement and Leadership Consultant. Lyn has an OBE for services to education and is passionate about advocating for children with special educational needs and their families. She is experienced as a Governor for a variety of schools and a college, a Trustee for an academy trust and a Trustee for a charity.
Elisa Entwistle
Appointed by: Trust Board
Term Dates: 01.08.23 -
Attendance 2023-24: 5/5
Attendance 2024-25: 1/3
Registered Interests: Member of Gloucestershire Hospital Education Management Committee
Amanda Hicks
Former LGB Member and SEND Governor
Appointed by: Trust Board
Term Dates: 01.08.22- 01.08.24 (Improvement Board)
Term Dates: 01.09.24- (Local Governing Board)
Attendance 2023-24: 3/5
Attendance 2024-25: 1/3
Registered Interests: Member of Unison (2018)
Amanda has a background in Early Years Teaching, working in a variety of nursery and primary school settings.
Amanda was Chair of Governors at her child’s primary school, having been elected as a Parent Governor. Throughout her teaching career and volunteering as a school governor Amanda has endeavoured to ensure that every child has an equitable and equal right to the best education possible.
Dr Christian Glover
Appointed by: Academy
Term Dates: 01.09.24-
Attendance 2024-25: 1/3
Registered Interests: None
Sue Easingwood
Appointed by: Academy
Term Dates: 01.09.24-
Attendance 2024-25: 0/3
Registered Interests: Co-owner and Director of Cam Tyres and Autos Ltd
Governors of the previous 12 months:
If you wish to contact the Chair of Governors, you can do so either via the school office or
contacting the Clerk to the Board, Michelle Hyde [email protected]
Peak Improvement Board Meeting dates 2024-25
Friday 04.10.24
Tuesday 25.02.25
Friday 04.07.25