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Whole School Assemblies

Whole School Assemblies present us with an opportunity to come together to explore social, emotional, cultural, moral and spiritual aspects of learning. All assemblies reflect British Values, link to the school Development plan, incorporate rewards and reinforce the school Values.

The themes throughout the year are as follows;

Values: Trust - Respect - Independence – Empathy - Dignity - Care

These are embedded into every assembly as well as keeping up to date with current news locally and around the world.

Additionally, festivals and significant dates throughout the year are celebrated and explored, and current affairs are also included when appropriate.

The content of assemblies are chosen for their interest and concern to children; myths, legends, fables, folk tales, people and events from history, true stories, recent news items and original, specially written fiction. Many of the stories echo topics which will already be ongoing in the classroom. All assemblies are designed to be thought-provoking, stimulating and because they are shared, become part of the thinking of our school, often referred back to in one-to one or class conversations.

In line with current legislation, our assemblies are ‘wholly or mainly of a broadly Christian character’ in that they reflect the ‘broad traditions of Christian belief without being distinctive of any particular Christian denomination’. However, since many of these broad traditions – tolerance, respect, honesty, thoughtfulness, sincerity, generosity, caring for others, caring for the world etc are also found in other major world religions, our assemblies are designed to appeal to children of different beliefs and backgrounds. As the children in our school are of different ages and levels of maturity, they are also designed to appeal to all, each taking what they are capable of understanding, from the simple superficial level to deeper, hidden meanings.

Contact Us

The Peak Academy
Drake Lane Cam
GL11 5HD

T: 01453 542130